Background of the Institution
The Urusvati Museum of folklore sponsored by the Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art, New Delhi was set up in December 1999. It later expanded the scope of its activities and was relocated to its present premises in September 2001 with substantial funding from the Ford Foundation. Establishment of Urusvati Museum of Folklore fulfilled the aim of preserving documenting & increasing public access to the tangible & intangible culture of the Country. The Museum has widely covered seven Northern and Central State-Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The permanent display in the museum gallery forms a nucleus exhibition displaying folklore in narrative form.
The research on narratives and dramatic forms relating to Myths and Legends, Folk and Tribal dances, Performing Art & Crafts with special emphasize on Tales of love and velour has been completed from the States of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The researched material is also being used as reference material for authenticity in the display of these narrative forms, through the visual arts. The research covers a wide spectrum of the cultural ethos of a particular state touching upon the performing Folk Arts and Crafts, Folk Treaties Songs, Dances and Dramas, besides popular folkloric traditions.