Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art (UCCA) has been serving the cause of Art & Culture carrying out different art activities since it was set up in August 1995 at its earlier establishment at Vasant Vihar , New Delhi. (Darpan ID: DL/2018/0203639)
The word “Urusvati” means “The light of the morning star”. This draws inspiration from the Himalayan Institute called “Urusvati”, established by the famous Russian painter, the late Nicholas Roerich who came to India in 1923 and spent rest of his life at Naggar, in District Kullu in Himachal Pradesh.
Thereafter UCCA setup the “Urusvati Art Centre” and its “ Urusvati Museum” located in Sector-78, Gurgaon since 2003. The Art Centre and the Museum are run by the Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art Trust whose aims and objectives include encouraging the understanding and appreciation of Art and Culture among the public, especially children through its varied activities.
UCCA has been expanded since 2013 in the expansive Urusvati Art Habitat Centre, Sector 78 , Gurugram. The Urusvati Art & Habitat Centre houses Art Galleries of over 7000 Sqft and an unique Museum of Folk Lore in its new building in Sector-78, Gurgaon. The Art Centre and the Museum is located in a Campus of about 1.6 acres in the backdrop of the Aravalli Hills.
Urusvati Museum
The Museum displays the Folklore of North India through dioramas and paintings by eminent artists. The Urusvati Museum of Folklore sponsored by the Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art, New Delhi received, funding from the Ford Foundation for establishing the Museum. The aim of the Museum is to preserve document & increase public access to the tangible & intangible culture of the country. The Museum has widely covered seven Northern and Central States – Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The permanent display in the museum gallery forms a nucleus exhibition displaying folklore in narrative form. Arts and crafts of various states are also on display through interesting story forms The Museum of Folklore and Folk Arts forms a centre of interest for children and local people who visit the Museum frequently.
The Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art (UCCA) has taken many steps towards creating awareness for art. There are Art Galleries displaying works of established and emerging artists. The Centre has facilities for demonstrating and teaching school children the different traditional Indian crafts like Tie & Dye, pottery, painting, clay modelling, etc. The Art Centre and the Museum is an educative experience for young and senior students when they visit the campus. It also provides them an opportunity that is “hands on”, under the supervision of Masters in various Art forms.
UCCA also organizes activities like folk dances and classical music and dance evenings every month. These activities enable visitors to appreciate and reaffirm the brilliance and glory of the Indian cultural traditions. The Specific activities of the UCCA are :
- To create awareness amongst the youth of the aesthetics and beauty in the traditional craft.
- To hold workshops with school children & teachers on a regular basis to familiarize them with the rich cultural fabric of the country. To date the Museum has held thirty workshops with school children. The activities which are taken up during the workshops encompass familiarization with the rich culture of the country vis-à-vis its folk art and folk music and dance, painting, and most importantly the rich folklore of various states.
- Interactive sessions with the students are arranged by the curators who also conduct quizzes, skits and play by the children. Space has been provided to young visitors to see and touch and use materials to create their own versions of stories thus engaging them in activities that help discover their inner potential, creative genius and also awareness of traditional culture. Special session with school children on Indian Archeological Monuments especially the World Heritage Sites with a special historical perspective have been conducted. These activities will be continued during the current year as part of the regular Programme.
- The Museum has, with the help of research scholars, set up a nucleus of information and researched material on Folklores of seven state of India.